The mission of the Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation is to educate the community about the prevention and early detection of skin cancer, especially melanoma, its deadliest form.
Dear 16-Year Old Me
One person dies from melanoma every fifty minutes, one out of every fifty people are at risk for melanoma, and Florida is the state with the second highest incidence of melanoma in the country. Melanoma is the only cancer that is increasing each year, while all others are decreasing. We can significantly reduce the number of people who die from this disease that is 100% preventable: if we educate our community.
SunSmart America™ curriculum in schools, is the core program of the Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation, it is the only curriculum that educates students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The Foundation has trained students, teachers, school nurses, parents and school administrators nationwide, thus facilitating the development of new sun safety programs and resources. Sunshine State and FCAT approved, we have gained the support of the school Superintendents, their teaching body and staff.
Students Against Melanoma (SAM) is the Foundation’s peer-based club in middle and high schools. This club started in 2007 and has grown, as new clubs emerge yearly this unique opportunity for students has helped us win one of our thirteen American Academy of Dermatology Gold Triangle Awards in 2010. This is a critical time for children to acquired knowledge that will help them to create good habits that will serve them throughout their adult lives.
All middle and high schools should have a SAM Club. Our model allows students to receive community service hours. Clubs meet as often as they wish, but at least once a month they gather to create events for their school, and to partner with the Foundation, in honor of Melanoma Awareness Month in May. SAM members attend community events, carrying forth our Foundation’s mission, as well as being ambassadors of good health and sun safe information.
Also recognized during Melanoma Awareness Month, is our Melanoma Monday Art Contest in Schools, celebrated throughout the county. We have been implementing this program since 2001, with first place awards as great as Sun Shades for schools and other prizes. The event culminates in a well-attended award ceremony, filled with fun and awareness. It is our desire to make this a statewide program in the near future, one of our many efforts to make Florida the “Sun Safe” Sunshine State. Be sure to call the Foundation at (561) 655-9655 to receive the rules, attachments and submission dates.

- default_titleSAM Clubs – In this school year the Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts became our newest SAM (Students against Melanoma) Club and Palm Beach Central High School is right behind them. All clubs were able to have Inter-council meetings at the Foundation’s executive offices, located in The Palm Beach Post Building. Upon review, students agreed it was a great year and they are looking forward to many new outreach opportunities on the horizon.
- default_titleThe Foundation provided six summer internships for students.
- default_titleThe winning art work for the annual Melanoma Monday Art Contest in Schools had a traveling show, beginning at The Children’s Museum of Boca Raton and finishing up in the lobby of The Palm Beach Post. “Great job” to everyone that participated and we hope all teachers and schools will join in this coming year! (Private schools were welcome).
- default_titleSeveral neighborhoods around the county assisted the Foundation by distributing “Sun Safety Trick or Treat” bags on Halloween.
- default_titleMany health fairs and outreach programs were presented around Palm Beach County. To name a few: The City of West Palm Beach, a variety of senior citizen community centers, North Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce, The Breakers Hotel, The Palm Beach Rotary Club, The Palm Beach Yacht Club, The Boy Scouts of America, Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, Cholee Lake Elementary, Seminole Ridge Community High School, William T. Dwyer High School, Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts, Wynnebrook Elementary “Kindergarten Roundup”, Independence Middle School - 6th Grade Science, The Veteran’s Administration, The Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery and others.
- default_titleEvents and Fundraisers: Jupiter Point Paddle, the Annual SunSational Luncheon and Fashion Show, Brian Thomas 5K Race, and Strike Out Melanoma at Roger Dean Stadium. For our Luncheon and Fashion Show in February of 2013, the Foundation flew in 24 year old Lauren Race from Colorado, who is battling 4th stage melanoma. Lauren got melanoma from unprotected over exposure to the sun and over utilization of tanning beds. She spoke to over 300 women and shared her incredible journey; it was an afternoon that will not be forgotten, but more importantly, a life saving opportunity for those in attendance.
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- default_titleSignage was created in conjunction with Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation, and is visible around the county, so be mindful and locate one at a location near you!
- default_titlePR was at a high, The Palm Beach Post took a strong leadership position this year, writing several articles in support of the Foundation’s mission while educating the public. The Jupiter Courier and The Sun Sentinel also posted wonderful news. The Foundation was thrilled to be recognized as the “go to” people for the most current information to blanket the community for a sun safe life.
- default_titleThe School District of Palm Beach County has once again, been supportive of the Foundation’s mission. Superintendent Mr. Gent wrote a wonderful letter recognizing the Foundation’s important work, as well as including a sun safety message on his Parent Link™ phone call to over 186,000 families! Prior to the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, Lisa Richman, the Executive Director, was present and spoke at the teacher’s meeting for PE/Health, as well as the Science Symposium. Before school was dismissed, Mrs. Richman addressed all the Principals of Elementary, Middle and High School, to bring attention to the importance of educating all our students in K-12. One of our own, teacher Brian Thomas was an inspiration to the Foundation, and a plea to do “Just one thing” for 2013-2014 should be on the lips of all educators!
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The 2013-2014 school year presents many opportunities for the Melanoma Foundation; we are seeking community leaders and partners that share our mission, so we may bring our important message to all; faster and wider.
The Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation will never yield in our efforts to bring awareness regarding the dangers of unprotected over exposure to the sun and the use of “indoor tanning beds”. We welcome everyone and their friends to visit our website and sign the “No Tanning Pledge”. Several of our SAM (Students against Melanoma) Clubs will be sponsoring an event this fall, to show safe alternatives to tanning beds and jump start this year’s no tanning initiative. While we always tell students, to “love the skin you are in”, and to avoid tanning beds at all cost, SAM will have a lively presentation that includes vegetable based spray tans, the famous “all telling” Dermaview machine and awareness tables. At this time, we hope to inspire the student body and have them commit to “NO TANNING” for homecoming, prom and spring break. Look for SAM at the Green Markets, athletic fields and sporting events at your school this coming year!
You will also find links on our website to examine oneself for possible skin cancer, as well as many resources, events, volunteer opportunities, and the latest news regarding skin cancer, melanoma, legislation, and the likes. Did you know we have a Facebook and Twitter account? Follow us, post on our page and tweet, tweet, tweet! One SAM student is working hard and has a six-month plan to get our Foundation a million tweets!
Thank you to the School District’s Wellness Promotion Task Force and the School Board, for partnering with the Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation for a safer and better life for our children and the community.
For more information, visit the Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation website.