Corporate Care Works, Inc. (CCW), a division of Health Advocate™, Inc., the nation’s leading independent healthcare advocacy and assistance company is a high-quality employee assistance and work/life program (EAP+Work/Life) and people development firm. Based in Jacksonville, Florida, CCW provides EAP and work/life balance support, as well as training and development services for change management, team building, leadership development, and more. Their goal is to prevent and solve the people problems that get in the way of productivity. www.CorporateCareWorks.com
The EAP+Work/Life program offers access to a Licensed Professional Counselor for short-term assistance with personal, family and work-related problems. A work/life specialist can help find a range of support resources. The program’s comprehensive website offers articles and workshops on topics from wellness and career development to assistance with financial, legal and identity theft issues. In a crisis, emergency help is available 24/7.
- default_titlePersonal, work, family issues
- default_titleDrug and alcohol abuse
- default_titleReferrals for in-depth, long-term help, if needed
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- default_titleEldercare, childcare
- default_titleLegal, financial issues
- default_titleParenting, adoption
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- default_title24-hour Helpline for stress, financial concerns, balancing work/family life, and/or any issues that could or are impacting employee health and productivity
- default_titleUnlimited risk management consultations to principals and employee relations
- default_titleOn-site crisis response
- default_titleEAP impact reports
- default_titleTraining and EAP outreach/promotions
- default_titleOnline services with thousands of resources:
----Online training
----Webinars - Show More
In addition to the CCW EAP+Work/Life program, employees also have access to Health Advocate’s Health Advocacy service, a unique benefit that gives each member access to a dedicated Personal Health Advocate. Typically registered nurses, supported by medical directors and benefits and claims experts, Personal Health Advocates work one-on-one with members to resolve a variety of time-consuming healthcare and insurance-related issues. For more information, please click on the “Health Advocate” link on the right menu of this website.
CCW has partnered with the School District for the past nine years. During that time, member utilization has consistently increased while the cost to our clients has remained low.
- default_titleThe School District’s current employee EAP utilization (5%) is greater than the national public sector average (1-3%)
- default_title76% of EAP Cases Resolved – Reducing Healthcare Costs for the District
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- default_titleTop Presenting Problems: Balancing Work & Family (41%), Psychological & Depression (27%), Stress & Anxiety (17%), Work (10%)
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- default_titleIncreased Case Management. Complex cases require extra hours of case management time to ensure problem resolution.
- default_titleEmployees Seek Help for Multiple Problems. Employees are calling about multiple problems vs. one problem.
- default_titleCoordination with Health Advocacy Benefit. Our counselors and specialists are providing cross-referrals to Health Advocate’s Health Advocacy service resulting in increased employee engagement and quality of care.
- default_titleIntegrated Promotion. Ongoing strategically integrated promotional outreach focusing on EAP+Work/Life and Health Advocacy.
- default_titleMeeting Attendance. Strong attendance at EAP+Work/Life Advisory Committee Meetings – a cross section of District personnel.
- default_titleStress-Related Solutions. Leveraged EAP+Work/Life Advisory Committee to assist with identifying stress-related sources and solutions.
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Productivity savings - Conservative projected savings based on presenting problems. Savings were based on resolution of presenting problems and impact on productivity hours (e.g., depressed employee and the effect on productivity per formula).

- default_titleWellness Champions mid-year meeting - massage therapist provided
- default_titleHealth & Wellness Fairs
- default_titleNew employee EAP orientations
- default_titleTraining seminars on topics such as:
----Time Management
----Coping with the Storms of Life
----Do More with Less Stress
----Valuing Generations at Work
----Building Effective Communication
----Creating a Positive Outlook
----Motivating your Employees
----Customer Service in the Schools
----Mind your Own Business: Rumors
----Cubicle Combat: Bullying In The Workplace
----Motivating your Employees
----Conflict Resolution
----Becoming an Effective Team Member - Show More
Stress Management Tools Promotional Campaign

Promotional Outreach

Assistance with District initiatives for Emotional Health & Wellness

We will continue to be involved in the EAP+Work/Life Advisory Committee meetings and ongoing training.
We are happy to be able to serve the employees and families of The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida. If you have any questions about the EAP+Work/Life benefit, please call 855.424.8400.