Transportation is on the Highway to Health
Lose and Win Program
We continue to offer a weight loss challenge pitting the six Transportation facilities against each other in the “The Lose and Win Program” sponsored by Employee Wellness. The Lose and Win Program is designed to help promote team spirit and motivate employees to improve their health by losing unwanted pounds. The Lose and Win Program provided one hour training sessions each week to offer information and skills needed to make healthy lifestyle changes such as: estimating appropriate portion sizes, incorporating physical activity into everyday life, planning healthy meals, choosing healthier options when dining out, and managing stress. Pre and post health screenings conducted by Employee Wellness and questionnaires provided by UnitedHealthcare were used to facilitate and modify healthy behaviors. Employee Wellness led the onsite sessions and maintained team records to determine the winning team. The transportation site that achieved the highest percent of total body fat loss during each quarter from our contest between two sites took home the grand prize, a flat screen T.V., and individual participant prizes. The challenge resulted in 142 participants losing 369.1 pounds and 5.33% body fat during these eight week challenges. Health screening results indicated a 50% drop in blood pressure readings. This program was very successful in providing valuable information and skills needed to make healthy lifestyle changes in a supportive environment.

Each Transportation facility was also given the opportunity to have The University of Florida Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) which teaches nutrition, food preparation and food management to families. These series of free, interactive eight weeks of classes for one-and-a-half hours each week taught employees how to make healthy food choices for the whole family; prepare delicious, safe food; and stretch the food dollar. Each week they prepared and tasted new recipes, and all participants received helpful kitchen tools and a certificate upon completion. Over 100 participants completed the lessons to learning how to Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy.

Physical activity is an important component of health and wellness. You can gain health benefits by breaking physical activity into ten minute segments throughout the day, so we put together easy activities that Transportation employees could fit into their everyday. Employee Wellness and East Transportation collaborated on a one page workout that bus drivers could incorporate within their busy work schedule. Each exercise is geared to stretching and strengthening tight muscles which promotes physical activity regardless of ability. We hope to improve employee health by promoting more physical daily activity and encourage creating a healthy lifestyle.
Diabetes prevention is possible, powerful, and proven. Did you know that 1 in 10 Palm Beach County adults have been diagnosed with diabetes? Employee Wellness took action to educate about diabetes by offering one hour informative classes at all the Transportation facilities. The “Taking Control” program allowed participants to better manage blood sugar from a REAL patient, with REAL A1C control, providing REAL inspiration. Over 90 participants attended to learn how to reduce risk of diabetes-related complications, and get information about important Diabetes Health Plan resources from our onsite Nurse at Work.
Your best defense against breast cancer is finding it early. Studies show that if you are in your forties or older, having a mammogram every 1 to 2 years could save your life. Employee Wellness partners with local hospitals to offer onsite Mammography at any School District location. The Mammography Van provides valuable health information and screening mammograms for all Transportation facilities.
We look forward to continuing these programs at all Transportation locations in the coming school year, so employees can keep up the good work. Here are some positive testimonials from the various programs:
“The class was very helpful and educational. I changed how I feel about myself and my family.”
“I have healthier eating habits and I exercise more. I don’t eat as much fried foods and I eat more fruits and veggies.”
“I appreciate you for taking the time to come out and educate us on better ways to eat foods and take better care of ourselves. I learned to manage my diabetes by eating the right foods.”
"It was great to gain an understanding and get encouragement to stay healthy. I’m applying everything I learned in my everyday life.”
“The program was very informative. I learned a lot about label reading and portion sizes. My family and I are making healthier eating choices.”
“I have lost weight and my husband has as well. He loves the new me!”
“I now take time to walk during down time, and have more energy during the day.”
“I enjoy everything about the program and my diabetes numbers have changed for the better.”
“My husband and I now shop together and read labels before we purchase items, learning to cut the salt and sugar have made a big difference.”
Thanks to all the employees at the Transportation Facilities for making these programs successful!