The Multiagency Network for Students
with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities
The Multiagency Service Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET) creates and facilitates a network of key stakeholders committed to assisting in the provision of a quality system of care for children with, or at-risk of, emotional/behavioral disabilities (E/BD) and their families. SEDNET helped ensure that the needs of youth with or at-risk of E/BD were being met educationally and therapeutically.
SEDNET’s interagency collaboration and linkage efforts constitute the primary focus of SEDNET efforts and the foundation for SEDNET initiatives. Mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice and education professionals collaborate with SEDNET through interagency committees and agreements.
SEDNET partners with community organizations to provide cross agency training for families, educators, child welfare workers and community partners.
SEDNET brought key systems and agencies with common missions and programs to the table to share or coordinated resources for the purpose of maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency in addressing the needs of children and families.
SEDNET's areas of focus were:
- default_titleInteragency collaboration/linkage within system of care in order to increase access to mental health services
- default_titleResponse to Intervention with an emphasis on behavioral and mental health interventions
- default_titlePolicy related to education and mental health
- default_titleSupport of transition services for students with or at risk of Emotional/Behavioral Disability (E/BD)
- default_titleContinuous improvement of student outcomes for children and youth with E/BD
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SEDNET participated in many activities that support students with disabilities. One of these was the Very Special Science Fair that took place at the Palm Beach Zoo. The South Regional SEDNET Coordinator also attended and assisted in asking the students science related trivia questions.