Page 14 - COVID Guiding Document
P. 14

Back to School Risk Reduction Strategies

       Modified Classrooms

         Social Distancing: The District’s priority is to mitigate COVID-19 health concerns and focus on providing high-quality instruction for every


           • Cafeteria and Lunch Structure:  All spaces are reconfigured to provide distance between students, which is conducive to limiting the spread of

             the virus.

                 ◦    Schools will explore in-class meal service options when possible. Plans may include carts located around campus and allow School Food

                      Services staff members to deliver Grab and Go bags to classrooms.

                 ◦    During cafeteria orientation, administrators will explain to students that they are not to pass or share any items, including food, with other


                 ◦    Administrators will ensure tables are labeled to identify seating arrangements for

                      students and will educate students on proper entering, exiting, and disposal of trash


                 ◦    Students will wait in line in a socially distanced manner. They will not use pin pads for
                      lunch transactions; instead, School Food Service staff members will provide each

                      student with a free meal until further notice.

                 ◦    Lunches will be scheduled to allow social distancing whenever possible. Students will
                      eat in a designated area daily. School Food Service staff and administrators will develop

                      a protocol for using outdoor or classroom lunch options and will include increased


                 ◦    Principals and food service workers will work with custodians to create an enhanced cleaning schedule.

                 ◦    Facial coverings will not need to be worn after seated when eating, drinking, or for school-related activities (i.e. Band, Chorus, PE).

                 ◦    More information can be found at School Meals.

        School District of Palm Beach County                                                                                                                                             PAGE 14
        ICSP Updated 2/9/21
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