Page 10 - TIM_03-02-23
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Upgraded District Portal Soon To Deploy • Students, employees and charter school employees
In the February 2022 edition of TIME, we told you will be our initial set of available Personas. Each of those
about plans to upgrade the District Portal for students groups will see something different and unique to that
and employees. The updated Portal for all students, group.
employees and charter school employees will go live
on March 22. It will remain the primary point-of-entry • In the future, we can create other Personas such as
to access student and employee web-based software “All 8th Graders ” or “All Central Region Students ” or “All
applications, while providing the same access and Finance Division Employees ”.
experience even when logging in from
home. Parent Portal: Parents can be
added to the portal with their own
Employees: Feel free to try out the username/password and Persona
upgraded portal by clicking on the and without creating/maintaining
Sneak Peek tile in your current portal. Active Directory accounts for each
3 Reasons for the Change
User Control: Users have more
1. In fall 2021, our CIO directed us control over the look and feel of
to start a project to put our District their portal. They have control over
Portal in the cloud to increase the density, tile size, and mode
its availability and minimize the (dark/light) settings. They also have
chances of portal downtime. the ability to mark one or more
tiles as “Favorites”, ensuring it will
2. Our existing District Portal is prominently display on their portal
facing an end-of-life. The company home screen.
that owned it was bought out by
another company, who is phasing it out in favor of Mobile Friendly: The RapidIdentity portal works better
their portal product called RapidIdentity. on mobile devices.
3. District Strategic Plan initiative B.2a has a directive
to “Create a tailored hub to help students and Task for Some Users
families navigate District processes to achieve their
educational goals.” The RapidIdentity portal will be Some current portal users have one or more “My Tiles”
our primary tool to accomplish that initiative via a new where they created their own tile and linked it to an
external website. We have requested that the vendor
parent portal. We cannot have a parent portal with our
current portal product. incorporate My Tiles-type functionality into their product.
When it becomes available, we will update users. In the
RapidIdentity Portal Benefits meantime, those users will be encouraged to convert
those links to browser bookmarks as a workaround.
Cloud-Based: It is cloud-based, so it will remain
available to students and employees even during internal As a reminder, the Chrome browser ‘home-page’ of
technical outages and planned Data Center shutdowns. A computers within the District network will continue to
cloud-based portal also means the vendor is responsible default to the Portal login page. To access the Portal from
for disaster recovery and business continuity.
home, students and employees may go to the District
website and click “SIGN IN” at the top right. To log into
Personas: It allows for different “Personas”, which the Portal, students and employees must use their District
means the user interface and accompanying tiles can be network username and password.
different for different sets of users.