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                      IN PALM BEACH SCHOOLS

     In the Fall of 2019, the Educational       eSports into the school day during their
     Technology Department received a grant     elective class. The coaches transformed
     from the Pew Foundation for $93,000 to     their Digital Design classes so every
     begin building Scholastic eSports teams    assignment related to eSports. Students
     in our high schools. John Shoemaker,       in this class create content such as
     Educational Technology Specialist,         graphics for their Twitch streams or social
     serving as the District Scholastic eSports   media posts. This is still the first year of
     Facilitator, began with three schools—     the grant implementation; however, the
     Boynton Beach Community High School,       courses during the day are completely
     Glades Central Community High School,      full with a waiting list and they have
     and Palm Beach Lakes Community High        150-200 students meeting after school.
     School. Scholastic eSports at these        Palm Beach Lakes’ Rocket League Team
     schools provides opportunities for all     qualified to compete in the Electronic
     students to use eSports as a platform to   Gaming Federation (EGF) Finals at
     develop STEAM-based skills and social      the ESPN Wide World of Sports at
     emotional attributes.                      Walt Disney World in June
                                                2022 and placed 4th out of
     The District’s overarching vision for      all teams from across the
     Scholastic eSports is to attract those     country. The teams and
     students who are typically not engaged     clubs at Lakes have
     with school. Many students who             been featured
     participate in these programs are students   heavily in local
     who commonly do not take part in any       and national
     other extracurricular activity. Scholastic   publications
     eSports provides students with exposure    including the
     to the wide range of careers available in
     the eSports world. It is not just focusing   2023
     on playing games. In this effort the district   edition of
     is aligned very closely with the North
                                                Palm Beach
     America Scholastic eSports Federation      Illustrated
     (NASEF) and our Florida affiliate, the     magazine.
     Sunshine State eSports League (SSEL).
                                                The continued
     In the Spring of 2021, cross-departmental   success of the project
     meetings were held between Educational     would not be possible
     Technology and IT in order to navigate     without the amazing
     through the technical hurdles that occur as   partnership between
     a result of implementing a new innovative   Educational Technology
     program.  Collaboration between            and IT. Special thanks to Jorge
     Educational Technology,  IT Security, IT   Savaglia, Michael Sims, Tim Carey,
     Enterprise Applications, IT Infrastructure,   Michael Pare, Corey Farmer, Maggie
     and IT Technical Operations allowed        Papa, Ron Monbleau, Jorge Burgos,
     us to create special considerations for    Jeancarlos Abreu, Michael Pelletier, and
     rooms designated as eSports labs.  These   Kevin Ogonowski for their continued
     specialized learning environments allow    support. If your school is interested in
     the computers and consoles to exit our     starting an eSports club or team, contact
     network and access the games students      John Shoemaker (john.shoemaker@
     need with the shortest amount of hops to
     ensure the lowest latency possible.
                                                Diagram Citation: Anderson, Tsaasan, Reitman,
     In May 2022, the Pew Foundation            Lee, Wu, Steele, Turner & Steinkuehler (2018)
     provided another grant of $498,000 to
     Palm Beach Lakes Community High
     School to allow them to bring Scholastic
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