Page 81 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 81

Aspiring Assistant Principals’ Program

        The Aspiring Assistant Principals’ Program supports emerging leaders eager to serve in a leadership capacity. It is based
        on the Florida Principal Leadership Standards and focuses on effective instructional leadership for all student populations.
        This program provides aspiring leaders with complex and relevant experiences to help prepare them to lead schools. This
        year’s program hosted a record number of 44 aspiring leaders, positively impacting 31 schools and six departments.

        Assistant Principal Leadership Academy

        The Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA) comprises a series of relevant, real-time
        professional  development  for  current  assistant  principals.  Fall,  spring,  and  summer  offerings
        provide ongoing, asynchronous professional learning to support administrators and the District’s
        Strategic Plan.

        APLA provided professional learning via synchronous and asynchronous virtual meetings and
        face-to-face training based on the requests and needs of assistant principals. In FY23 the number
        of offerings increased from 14 to 28 based on the content and delivery-type requests.

        Clinical Educator Training

        The District developed a marketing campaign to recruit experienced teachers with over three years of successful
        teaching experience to become clinical educators, mentor cooperating educators, and teacher leaders. To assist with
        mentor recruitment efforts, the District formulated a one-page flyer outlining what a clinical educator is, the leadership
        opportunities it offers, and other benefits. The campaign focused on motivating our existing pool of eligible, experienced
        teachers to become lead teachers who help mentor new teachers. The training develops leadership skills and provides
        experiences as the participants gain professional recognition and seek advancement in the field.

        During the FY23 school year, the District awarded over 200 teachers with the credentials to mentor new teachers
        and cooperating educators for pre-service students and interns. The District’s efforts to provide Clinical Educator
        Training continued throughout the summer, where an additional 85 teachers participated and are now eligible to
        mentor new teachers.

        FY23 Clinical Educator Training:
          •  Summer: 74 completers
          •  Fall: 158 completers
          •  Winter: 58 completers
          •  Spring: 131 completers

                                                                             EDUCATE  |  AFFIRM  |  INSPIRE  //  81
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86