Page 86 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 86

Equity Analysis Tool for Education

        The Equity Analysis Tool for Education (EQUATE) systematically examines how different groups will likely be affected by an
        action or decision in the District. EQUATE is a straightforward process with guiding questions to facilitate the development,
        implementation,  and  evaluation  of  significant  policies,  initiatives,  professional  development,  programs,  instructional
        practices, and budget issues to explicitly and intentionally create equity.
        EQUATE was rolled out with Strategic Management to create the initiative charters for the District’s 2022-2027 Strategic
        Plan. All workgroup members were trained to use this process as a concrete roadmap for how the District will reach the
        goals of the strategic initiatives. The tool was presented with excellent participant feedback at the American Educational
        Research Association (AERA) conference in Chicago, IL. Training on using EQUATE for District-level departments is in the
        initial planning phase.

                                          The five stages of the Equity Analysis Tool for Education

             Stage two uses root cause analysis to determine the factors that contribute to the why of the existing disparities identified by the project.

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