Page 29 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 29

Digital Citizenship
               In order to assure that the work in which District Leaders, teachers, and students engage in
               is of the highest quality and conducted in a safe and responsible manner, there must be an
               emphasis on digital citizenship for all users.  Specific to classroom instruction, the District
               currently provides training on Digital Citizenship and enforces Policies 8.123: Student
               Acceptable Use of Technology and 5.002: Anti-Bullying and Harassment. Staff from Library
               Media Services, the Department of Safe Schools, IT Enterprise Applications, and the
               Department of Educational Technology worked together to create an age-appropriate
               instructional program titled TechSafe, for all students to complete annually.

               Schools determine how the program is implemented and the principal is required to provide
               a confirmation of how many students have gone through the program each year.  Online
               resources are available in the eLearning Management program.  The current program
               provides a minimum of 45 minutes of training to students per year.

               Moving forward, the District supports advancing beyond a one-time use training for all
               students every year to fully embedding digital citizenship into everyday curriculum and using
               ISTE’s recommended framework  of nine elements to help guide the initiative. This
               framework as defined by Ribble includes the concept of a “REP” as in sports and repetition.
               Each of the three sections need to be repeated frequently for students to learn and apply

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