Page 33 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
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the form of the “content” changing, but the delivery, presentation, interaction, scope,
               sequence and adaptability have transitioned too.

               As the demand for new dynamic features and abilities have increased, traditional textbook
                                             publishers have adapted their materials to provide viable
                                             solutions to put their “proprietary digital curriculum and
                                             content” in the hands of teachers and students. At the same
                                             time, the proliferation of the Internet and an “Open
                                             Educational Resources” OER movement has resulted in an
                                             immense number and types of resources available for

               Image Source:

               We have now entered a time when educators can demand content that no longer changes
               only when reprinted, but that can come in many formats and be updated in real time. Within
               the next five years, instructional materials will become even more interactive and more
               easily used to address individual student learning needs, by providing immediate feedback
               to both the learner and the teacher. Additionally, adaptive learning technologies will
               continue to improve. When combined with the explosive growth of virtual instructional
               materials and online courses, the new capabilities will make it possible for students at every
               level to enjoy the benefits of personalized instruction in ways never before possible. The
               District will evaluate, pursue, adopt, and support these new enriched and enhanced
               solutions at every opportunity.

               Promoting Effective Assessments & Making Connections Using Data
               Students and teachers in SDPBC are expected to demonstrate effectiveness and learning
               gains in their classes and are provided with many forms of support and assessments to use
               strategically throughout the year. Ultimately, students will demonstrate competency through
               classwork, informal, formal and diagnostic assessments including Computer Based Testing
               (CBT), career and industry certifications, and other project-based digital and multimedia
               digital learning outcomes. Each method contributes to the overall picture of student success
               and can provide valuable student data.

               Individual student performance data is a major contributor to a truly personalized learning
               experience and has become integral in effective planning and instruction for administrators,
               teachers, and learners. SDPBC has invested heavily in tools and training to help educators
               become increasingly aware of their students’ performance levels and to adapt their
               instruction accordingly. Most recently, the addition of adaptive software solutions like iReady
               for Elementary Math and Reading uses technology to directly help in developing
               personalized learning paths for the students.  In coming years, this investment will continue,

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