Page 38 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 38

  Update display cabling to provide higher resolution and digital signals.

               Teachers and students are living during a digital revolution and there will continue to be
               emerging technological advancements that will improve instruction. By the time this project
               is completed, it will be time to update again in 2021.  A compilation of innovative ideas in
               place in classrooms now that will likely become mainstream in the future can be seen at:

               Coordinating the Paperless Classroom
               Technology used in the classrooms should mirror real-world environments so students are
               prepared to participate in an increasingly connected and globally-competitive workforce.
               There are readily available technologies that can help teachers streamline daily processes
               and increase opportunities to incorporate critical thinking, communication, collaboration,
               and creativity into students’ learning. As more classrooms have access to devices for each
               student, the entire workflow in the classroom can and should change. This change has
               already occurred in many of the District operations and in the business world---it is a natural
               progression that the classroom will follow.

               The fact that the District has standardized on the Google ecosystem for mail, calendar, and
               digital communication functions opens the door for simple access to the Google Apps for
               Education suite for students and teachers. In the District’s environment, Google Drive and
               Google Classroom require no additional cumbersome logins and offer students a
               tremendous opportunity to learn in a modern, cloud-based, digitally delivered classroom.
               There are more examples in the District where teachers are using class sets of laptops,
               iPads, or Chromebooks to make their classroom nearly paperless. The type of device the
               student uses makes no difference as the software is web-based and device agnostic. Those
               teachers no longer have to worry about finding a clean copy of a worksheet or students
               losing work on USB flash drives.

               As teachers migrate their classroom work to the cloud with District standard tools like
               Google Drive and Classroom, their workflow becomes more relevant, more efficient, and
               students report being more engaged. This is how today’s students want to learn, in a
               connected, digital classroom that mirrors their life outside school.

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