Page 43 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 43

                                                                                                          Physical Education
                                                                                                          & Physical Activity  Environment &
            Nutrition Environment & Services                                                           EMPLOYEES  Engagement Family  Physical  COORDINATING POLICY, PROCESS, AND PRACTICE    Counseling, Social  &  FAMILIES
                                                                                                            HEALTHY                          SAFE
                                                                                                                   CHALLENGED              SUPPORTED                 ENGAGED
                                                                                                              Social &
                                                                                                         Employee IMPROVING LEARNING AND HEALTH   Health  Climate
                                                                                                         Wellness  Education
        South Grade Elementary
        COVID-19 feeding solution uses four (4) Cambro carts near the parent drop off area.  Due to COVID-19, this
        became the one point of entry for all students - there is a walk-in gate and a drive-in gate.    Students received
        only cold items for breakfast.  We worked with the SFS Manager to start offering warm and hot breakfast
        options through the use of Insulated Food Delivery bags.  For the FY22, the goal is to have all students come
        through the cafeteria to pick up breakfast and then eat in the class.
        Okeeheelee Middle
        Removed breakfast  from the cafeteria as their COVID-19  feeding solution.  They served  breakfast from
        three locations: bus loop, second gate breeze-way, and main entrance.  They had a relatively low breakfast
        participation rate prior to COVID-19 and continue to remain that way.  Students were surveyed to find out
        why they are not eating.  Below are some of the results of 422 responses:

                               Data collected were from students who attended school in person.

        45% reported they did not eat breakfast at school.  The top two reasons they do not eat breakfast at school -
        students could choose multiple answers:
              Students ate breakfast at home (66%)
              Did not like school breakfast (47%)

        49% of students who currently do not eat school breakfast would like the option to eat something later in
        the day.  36% of this group would like to see more hot options on the menu and 34% would like different hot

        Nearly half of the students who participate in breakfast only eat once per week, with only 14% eating daily.

        Top 3 favorite breakfast items are:

              Cinnamon Bun
              Mini Chocolate Chip Pancakes
              Honey Wheat Donuts

           1.  Provide a breakfast option that is packaged so it can be eaten later in the day e.g. aseptic juice and a
               cold food item.

           2.  Continue to serve a hot item (preferable from their preference list).
           3.  Explore options for different hot breakfast items. Okeeheelee Middle is 75% Hispanic. Incorporating
               more Hispanic breakfast items may increase participation.

        Attempts were made to reach ‘low hanging fruits’ so dialogue was developed with SFS Managers outside of
        the 14 No Kid Hungry schools.  The Principal for Elbridge Gale Elementary is onboard to continue grab-and-go
        from the breakfast cart to the classrooms.

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