P. 11


     IT staff frequently hear something like, “Who do I need                          A 2nd function of our ITSM
     to call to help with my fill in the blank technical issue?”                      solution, eSupport, is System
     The beauty of an IT Service Management system and                                Alerts. Any employee can click on
     process is that you do not need to ‘call’ anyone or need to                      the System Alerts tile in the portal
     know who to call to get something fixed or to get                                to see if the technical issue they
     something done.                                                                  are experiencing is part of a larger
                                                                                      issue affecting many or all users.
     ITSM, or IT Service Management, is a system and                                  If your issue is listed in System
     process for the IT Division to manage its end-to-end      Alerts, you do not have to submit an incident ticket or
     delivery of services to our customers. Another definition   call the Service Desk because you will know the issue is
     of ITSM is “the activities performed to design, build,    already being diligently worked on and will be resolved
     deliver, operate, and control IT                          ASAP.
     services offered to customers”. For
     our school district, our ITSM tool is                     A 3rd function of our ITSM solution, eSupport, is Service
     currently eSupport. It has limitations                    Requests. Above we explored incident tickets, which
     and it may be replaced at some                            are submitted when something is broken or not working
     point in the future. However, it does                     as expected. Service Request tickets are submitted in
     a good job of addressing the “who                         eSupport when you are requesting that IT perform some
     do I need to call” question.                              type of service for you. An example of a very common
                                                               service request is requesting access to a software
     The first and primary function of an ITSM solution is to   application or site such as SIS, PeopleSoft, Raptor,
     document and route technical issues to obtain assistance.  SharePoint site, etc. Other common service requests
     If/when a technical issue arises, instead of needing to   include telephone requests, computer reimage requests,
     know who to call, any employee can click on the eSupport  and web design requests.
     tile in the District Portal and enter an incident ticket,
     explaining your issue. It helps if you provide specific                      A 4th function of our ITSM solution,
     details in the ticket including the software application or                  eSupport, is the Service Catalog.
     tool that is not working, where you are logged in (school,                   When you click on the eSupport portal
     home, FHESC, etc.), what computer and browser you are                        tile, the first screen you are presented
     using, and the wording of an error message if there is one                   with is the Service Catalog. The first
     (screenshot of the error is fine too). Once you hit Submit,                  tile in the Service Catalog is titled,
     your incident ticket is very quickly routed for analysis and                 “Report a Technical Issue”. Clicking
     assignment to the person(s) who can resolve your issue.                      on that tile and completing/submitting
     Incident tickets submitted by school-based employees                         that ticket means something is broken
     are first routed to that school’s ITSA or STST so he/she                     or not working as expected. You are
     can quickly resolve the issue. If he/she is unable to, the   reporting an incident as described above. All the other
     ITSA or STST can escalate the ticket to IT for analysis,   tiles in the Service Catalog result in a service request
     reassignment and resolution.                              being submitted. The Search bar at the top of the Service
                                                               Catalog should be used to search for the type of request
     If submitting a ticket is inconvenient, you can always call   you need to submit.
     the IT Service Desk at 561-242-4100, option 2. A Service
     Desk agent will ask you questions while he or she fills
     out the incident ticket for you and may be able to quickly    As mentioned, eSupport may be replaced some-
     resolve the issue (such as network password reset). If        time in the future. However, any ITSM replace-
     the Service Desk agent is unable to resolve your issue        ment for eSupport will include incident tickets,
     during the call, he/she will route the ticket for analysis and   service request tickets, System Alerts, and a
     assignment to the person(s) who can resolve it.               Service Catalog.  These are the fundamental
                                                                   tools all IT organizations require to effectively
                                                                   manage the multitude of services they deliver.
                                                                   And, the result of an effectively managed ITSM
                                                                   system and process is that you do not need to
                                                                   know who to call.
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