Page 99 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 99

        Substitute teachers are critical to the success of District students and the continuation of classroom education in the
        temporary absence of the regular teacher. The Substitute Office is committed to recruiting, hiring, and supporting substitute
        teachers throughout the hiring process. The Department ensures that District schools are staffed daily with high-quality
        substitute teachers. The District has 2,786 active substitutes within the system, and the numbers continue to grow daily.
        The sub-fill rate, which indicates the percentage of teacher absences and vacancies that a substitute teacher filled, was at
        70% for FY23.

        Retention Highlights

        Teacher Ambassador Program
        The Teacher  Ambassador pilot is  now
        the Teacher Ambassador Program. The
        Teacher Ambassador pilot, a partnership
        between Recruitment & Retention and
        Professional Development, was developed
        as a two-year pilot program (FY19 & FY20)
        to support and onboard new teachers in
        the District through the Educator Support
        Program and research-based onboarding
        practices. The pilot started with ten
        schools. Due to the success of the Teacher
        Ambassador pilot, the Division of Human
        Resources is proud to announce that
        the program has expanded to 17 schools
        and is now completing its fifth year. The
        teacher  ambassadors  collaborate with                               Teacher Ambassadors
        administration to create onboarding
        plans and engaging  activities for  new
        and transferring teachers.

        Voluntary Employee Networking Groups
        The Voluntary Employee Networking Groups (VENGs)
        build connections within the District. All groups are
        employee-led and open to all District full and part-time
        employees. Each group continues to be equity-driven and
        emphasize employees because these groups are “about us,
        by us, and for us.”
        Healthy Thinking & Healthy Living is a new group added
        to VENG. This group directly responds to the mental
        health and wellness peer support initiative. It will provide
        another avenue for employees to connect with and support
        each other around mental health and wellness, work and
        home stressors, and the available resources for coping.
        Some topics may include self-care (physical, mental, and             Employee Networking Groups
        emotional), developing and practicing a growth mindset,
        and identifying resources for support.

                                                                             EDUCATE  |  AFFIRM  |  INSPIRE  //  99
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104