Page 97 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 97

Team Palm Beach Job Fair, March 29, 2023
        Continuing strong relationships with local and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), the HR Partner team
        attended numerous job fairs, both in-state and out-of-state, including Navy Tri Base, Greater Philadelphia, Great Florida
        Teach-In, and Howard University. These efforts have resulted in offers of unassigned contracts with placements at some of
        the highest priority schools. The Department also captured and consistently communicated with future graduates to create
        a pipeline of potential candidates for years to come.

        The department curated a mailing list with over 14,000 potential
        instructional candidates interested in working with the District.
        A  job  flyer  was  created  for  the  schools  with  their  current
        openings and sent to those on the mailing list. Multiple hires
        were made using this recruitment tool. The department also
        partnered with the Communications Department to develop a
        successful marketing and social media campaign. Social media,
        radio, LED billboards, and news campaigns have assisted
        recruitment efforts.

        To keep up with the fast-changing recruiting environment, the
        department continued the agreement with the job fair platform,
        Career Fair Plus. The platform hosted the Team Palm Beach      Mall and airport marketing campaigns, spring 2023
        hiring event and the Puerto Rico interviews.

        The implementation of the Board-approved contract with Educational Partners International (EPI) began with a hiring
        event on March 1, 2022. Forty-five international visiting teachers joined the teaching staff of 20 schools for FY23. Their visas
        will allow them to teach in District schools for at least three years.

        NYU Teacher Residency Program
        The New York University Teacher Residency Program (NYU-TRP) began in August 2019 at John F. Kennedy MS and Palm
        Beach Lakes HS to recruit and develop the best teachers for the District’s highest-needs schools. Since then, 16 residents
        have completed the program and earned their Master’s Degrees. Each resident receives $10,000 in tuition assistance from
        the District, $22,800 in salary, and full benefits.

        Residents are paired with an experienced/clinical education credentialed mentor teacher who is paid a supplement of
        $4,500. Mentor teachers share their classrooms, coach, and help residents build instructional efficacy. After completing
        the program, the residents will transfer to a permanent teaching position at John F. Kennedy MS, Palm Beach Lakes HS, or
        other comparable school in the District for an additional two years. Many have remained in continuous employment with
        the District. Six to eight new residents are anticipated to begin the NYU-TRP in FY24.
        FAU Housing Partnership for NYU Residents
        The Department of Recruitment & Retention has partnered with Florida Atlantic University (FAU) to provide affordable
        housing exclusively for the NYU-TRP interns at the Jupiter campus. Potential teacher candidates have expressed that the
        high price of housing/rentals is a deterrent in relocating to the area. This partnership with FAU reflects another way the
        District is working to market and attract talent.
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