Page 95 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 95

The model supports the development of high-quality educators through job-embedded professional learning via online
        learning coupled with sustained coaching, mentoring, and support. The District also offers and supports PDCP via Beacon
        Educator Coursework. This fee-based online program consists of six core content courses and other required coursework
        and can be completed in less than two years. Participants commit to completing targeted, high-quality professional learning
        activities and tasks by choosing either program as a means of alternative certification. The District ensures that participants
        of either program are empowered, encouraged, and motivated to maintain a career as an educator.

        During the FY23 school year:
          •  99 candidates participated in the PDCP cohort (31 District and 68 Beacon)
          •  23% exited early and are eligible to apply for professional teaching certificates
          •  113 teachers with temporary certificates joined the FY24 cohort

        Professional Learning Communities

        Professional Learning Communities (PLC) are focused and deliberate collaborative groups of professionals who meet
        regularly to examine instructional practices and improve student learning outcomes.

        PLC specialists from the Department of Professional Development led monthly professional learning opportunities for
        school-based PLC and learning team facilitators to guide the implementation of PLCs at school sites. Each monthly session
        connected the domains and elements of the Palm Beach Model of Instruction to the PLC cycle to make the connection
        between effective instructional practices and collaborative efforts for continued instructional growth. PLC facilitators had
        the resources to ensure all teachers understood the new English Language Arts and mathematics standards.

        In addition to monthly training opportunities, school-based PLC facilitators and administrative teams were supported
        through customized coaching sessions and co-facilitation by Department of Professional Development specialists.

        FY23 PLC Leader Impacts:
          •  86 grant-funded schools received support from the District’s PLC specialists
          •  65 PLC facilitators in grant-funded positions
          •  35 new PLC facilitators were onboarded

          Cholee Lake ES learning team facilitator shares best practices  In February 2023, PLC facilitators analyzed student data
                   for data tracking with other PLC leaders       to develop learning targets for reteaching at Indian Pines ES

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