Page 52 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 52
Reunification: The physical and electronic “reunification” of students with their parent(s) or
guardian(s) after an emergency or other incident.
During the life of this Technology Plan, School Police and IT plan to accomplish the following
four system and process enhancements:
1. Achieve a higher adoption rate of both SaferWatch and Raptor Emergency Management
2. Incorporate SaferWatch into the yearly drill schedule
3. Integrate SaferWatch and Raptor Emergency Management to send data between the
two systems
4. Design and deliver an online training course for all regional and school-based
Reunification Team members
School Food Service
The purpose of the School Food Service department is to “provide nutritious meals and promote
healthful living”. In order to meet our purpose, we look to technology to make us more efficient
and accountable and launch initiatives that will improve the services we provide to our students
and staff. During the life of this Plan, School Food Service plans to:
● Upgrade our Accountability Management System as the vendor has indicated the current
product is at end of life. This will be a large project encompassing student account
tracking, ordering, inventory, electronic invoice payments, meal production
accountability, and federal meal claims.
● Expand the implementation and use of Digital Menu Boards to all schools. They are
currently located in approximately 20 schools.
● Acquire a new multifunction printer and copier software application with OCR (optical
character recognition) capability to manage all our 181 devices and integrate smart
scanning to cloud storage and file management. Toner replacement, machine repair, and
paper waste will diminish significantly as a result. Even though we will have this new
capability, we will continue to look at more efficient processes to reduce printing and
create more streamlined procedures.
School Food Service is looking for additional ways to become more efficient and allow for
leadership analysis of the current business state. They will look to the IT Division for support as
they move these initiatives forward to include the development of business applications and
dashboarding. In addition, School Food Service will continue to need IT Division support with
regard to improved wireless capability, standard network capability, security updates, SQL
database support, server support, and support for SharePoint, eForms, TRIRIGA, PeopleSoft,
and other software applications necessary to assist with developing web-based solutions and
operational requirements.
Integrated Workplace Management System
IBM TRIRIGA provides a single system to manage the lifecycle of facilities. Its integrated
workplace management system (IWMS) increases the operational, financial, and environmental
performance of facilities. Through business analytics, critical alerts, and automated process
capabilities, IBM TRIRIGA can increase visibility, control, and automation of:
● Facility Management
● Real Estate Management
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