Page 56 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 56

Document Management System
               Lastly, the District’s enterprise document management system is called ImageQuest or IQ. It
               includes functionality for large-volume document scanning, storage and retrieval, optical
               character recognition (OCR), full-text search, automated workflows, and integration with other
               District systems such as eForms and the ERP system. Over 9 million mission-critical and
               historical District documents are stored in the document management system including:

                   ●   Employee personnel files
                   ●   Inactive student records
                   ●   Threat assessment documents
                   ●   Accident/incident investigations
                   ●   IEPs (Individual Education Plans) and other completed ESE forms
                   ●   Invoices and other accounts payable documents
                   ●   Litigation case files
                   ●   Architectural drawings
                   ●   Construction project files

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