Page 35 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 35

teachers identify and use the most appropriate Blender resources directly with their

               Technology’s Role in School-to-Parent Communication
               Communication between schools and families is an essential component in the District’s
               work to foster student success. Parents and guardians play a critical role in supporting
               student learning, and a modern, active communication system is an important part of that
               work. As noted, some key elements of the teacher work flow will be changing during the
               duration of this plan. Careful planning, implementation, and training on updated gradebook,
               attendance, school and class websites, and the curriculum libraries provided by Blender will
               be critical to a successful transition. Equally important will be the need to communicate
               these new resources to parents/guardians and students so their value as a means of
               engaging them can be fully realized.

               The District will continue to pursue an integrated, comprehensive approach to online
               communications that not only keep parents and guardians informed, but also allows them to
               be participants in the learning process. Our school and classroom websites will feature
               direct communication tools, providing access via email, text, and phone, and will also
               include all of the components of an effective online learning platform. Our District will
               develop systems and contract with providers that allow teachers to interact with their
               students through their classroom Learning Management System (LMS), including:

                     Posting content from online providers and from the teacher’s own library of
                     Supplementing instructional materials with video and interactive assignments.
                     Online collaboration and discussion tools so teachers can model their appropriate
                     The ability to submit assignments electronically and to receive feedback from
                       teachers and peers.
                     Online quizzes and evaluation systems to provide feedback to students and to inform

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