Page 37 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 37

below focus on the instructional tools and flexible environments that will be required for the
               personalized learning initiative to be a success.

               Interactive Learning Environments
               The District multimedia classroom model created in 2004 needs to be refreshed to
               accommodate wireless technology innovations and student devices. Technology now allows
               teachers and students to be untethered---releasing them from fixed locations so that they
               can display and collaborate digitally from anywhere in the classroom or school. The District
               recognizes the need to transform classrooms into the digitally rich, interactive, personalized
               learning environments that students expect.

                The current state of the typical District multimedia classroom teaching package includes a
               ceiling mounted digital projector, sound-field enhancement system, document camera, large
               projector, multimedia cabinet, and modern computer. Many schools have added on
               interactive tools such as student response systems (clickers) and wireless tablets such as
               the eInstruction Mobi or iPad, however, funds have not been allocated to provide this
               interactivity as a standard for the majority of classrooms. While this instructional package
               was adequate as designed twelve years ago, it is now out of date and budgets are needed to
               modernize the design and provide equity.

               The District has provided interactive wall-mounted short-throw
               projectors in new construction classrooms  since 2013. As a
               result,  the  five  newest  schools  in  the  District  have  modern
               Epson Brightlink interactive projectors allowing teachers and
               students to interact at the board with content.

               Simply replacing broken and obsolete projectors, doc cams,
               and sound enhancement systems will not transform old                      Image Source:
               classrooms into the digitally rich learning environments found in new schools. The plan
               moving forward, with the funds from the newly passed sales tax referendum, is to update
               the teaching package so that every classroom has instructional technology equal to or better
               than our newest schools. Replacement and upgrade prioritization of classroom technology
               will be based on both the age of a school’s equipment and teacher readiness over a two to
               three year period so that all classrooms in the District have the following capability:

                     Interactive multi-finger touch, flat panel display on a movable, height adjustable
                     Teachers and learners wirelessly display to and from their own device for classroom
                     Wide format display surfaces.
                     Document camera allowing digital annotation.
                     Update classroom sound field enhancement systems.

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