Page 58 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 58

                                                                                                           Physical Education
                                                                                                           & Physical Activity
                                                                                                             Nutrition Services
            Counseling, Psychological & Social Services                                                EMPLOYEES  Engagement  COORDINATING POLICY, PROCESS, AND PRACTICE    Counseling, Social  Services Social &  Emotional &  FAMILIES
                                                                                                             Environment &
                                                                                                            HEALTHY                          SAFE
                                                                                                                   CHALLENGED              SUPPORTED                 ENGAGED
                                                                                                         Employee IMPROVING LEARNING AND HEALTH   Health  Climate
                                                                                                         Wellness  Education

        School Behavioral Health Professionals

        The 170 School Behavioral Health Professionals planned and conducted appropriate behavioral/mental health
        interventions to facilitate personal, social, emotional, and academic growth.  They worked collaboratively as a
        member of the Mental Health Team.

        The Types of Service Delivery Provided by School Behavioral Health Professionals (SBHP)

        Core/Universal Interventions

        Examples of Core/Universal Interventions provided include:
             •  Mental health activities for students in classrooms, school staff, parents/guardians, and community
              members.  The mental health activities may be included in PBIS and SEL activities and support.

             •  Student-lead climate initiatives, such as We Dine Together, Safe School Ambassadors, and Sandy Hook
              Promise Clubs.
             •  Daily welcoming students to the campus and being visible during lunch and dismissal.

             •  Assist in identifying students who are “under the radar” presenting with behavioral or mental health
              challenges, and intervene before there is an escalation of challenges.

        Supplemental Interventions
        Examples of supplemental interventions provided include:
             •  Small group coaching sessions with students who may need extra behavioral and mental health support.
              These small groups could focus on the SEL competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social
              Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making.
             •  Check-ins with students who are working to improve areas of concern.

             •  Offering Student Mentoring.

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