Page 60 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
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                                                                                                           Physical Education
                                                                                                           & Physical Activity
                                                                                                             Nutrition Services
            Counseling, Psychological & Social Services                                                EMPLOYEES  Engagement  COORDINATING POLICY, PROCESS, AND PRACTICE    Counseling, Social  Services Social &  Emotional &  FAMILIES
                                                                                                             Environment &
                                                                                                            HEALTHY                          SAFE
                                                                                                                   CHALLENGED              SUPPORTED                 ENGAGED
                                                                                                         Employee IMPROVING LEARNING AND HEALTH   Health  Climate
                                                                                                         Wellness  Education

        One example of the mental health  Clayton Jones, SBHP at Carver  As seen in this picture, Herston
        professionals reaching out to  Middle School, worked with  Phillips, SBHP at CO Taylor/Kirklane
        students  in  novel  ways  was  at  community partners to get a “Take  Elementary,      reminds     students
        Discovery Key Elementary.  Taylor  a Minute Bench” and have it placed  about the importance of helping
        Wolfe, SBHP, and Olivia James,  in the courtyard. Students who  others,  showing  empathy,  and
        School  Counselor  operated  a  want to signal to others that they  spreading kindness, as well as how
        “Taco Bout it Tuesday” stand in the  want to talk with someone sit on  taking these actions also supports
        cafeteria to market their services  the bench. Students were taught  their own mental wellness.
        and to encourage students to  to recognize students sitting
        reach out to them.                   on the bench, learned ways to
                                             approach them, and to listen non-

         Students at William T. Dwyer High and Palm Springs Community Middle sent love and kindness to others
         during Mental Health Month.  SBHPs Shannalei Ankle and Jessica Miller let the students decide how they
         could symbolize kindness, empathy and welcoming to others.

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