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Continue to research, assess and implement the use of serviceware - 2 of 3 years
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Two years ago, the Department piloted a heat sealing machine (Form Plastics) at Boynton Beach High School.  Based on the positive results from the pilot, a decision was made to purchase four machines for the 2014-2015 school year.  The four schools selected to implement the machine were Seminole Ridge High School, John I Leonard High School, Suncoast High School, and Palm Beach Lakes High School.  Due to some delays in receiving the machines, the start of the heat sealing program was postponed until second half of the school year.  During the week of February 16 - 20, 2015 all schools received on-site training with a representative from Form Plastics.  The four schools selected also had reimbursable vending machines, which enabled them to use the same container for multiple applications.  In addition, Suncoast High School piloted a new hoagie container to alleviate some labor concerns with wrapping the daily subs.  Throughout the implementation, we held meetings to discuss future opportunities, evaluated new containers that could be used by the schools and began researching the opportunity to satellite supper meals as that program continues to expand. 

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As we continue with the installation of utensil dispensers throughout the district, on-going communication with the manufacturer and SFS were important to evaluate additional configurations. A site visit was conducted to research alternative placements ensuring the best configuration for each site. An In-Service was scheduled for all schools currently piloting the dispensers to ensure all equipment was operating at full capacity. Additional dispensers were ordered for the installer during In-Service, ensuring necessary equipment would be on hand for replacements when necessary. A follow up meeting was held at Santaluces High School with a representative to discuss the program and future planning.