Utilizing a planned program of learning experiences in education and real world training settings, Career Education assists students to make informed decisions about their study and/or work options and enables them to participate effectively in working life.
Within the Career Education curriculums there is a strong commitment to nutrition, wellness, healthy lifestyles and well-being.
- default_titleCPR and First Aid for children and infants
- default_titleChildhood obesity (short and long term effects)
- default_titleThe Great Plate/Food Pyramid for formation of healthy diets
- default_titleEating disorders
- default_titleSafety and sanitation (prevention of food borne illnesses)
- default_titleNutrition, dieting and weight control (development of a life-long health plan as well as long term effects of a poor diet)
- default_titleThe nutritional needs of young children as well as learning indicators of a healthy child
- default_titleFoods that may be harmful to children (food allergies)
- default_titleChildhood illnesses, causes and preventive measures (special focus on childhood obesity, diabetes, hypertension, anemia and asthma)
- default_titleExercise (benefits and incorporation of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle)
- default_titleSubstance abuse and its effect on the body
- default_titleCareers in biomedical sciences, health, nutrition, wellness, dietary sciences, culinary, and education
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In collaboration with the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University, Biomedical Academy students are able to participate in the Healthcare Careers Outreach Program designed to increase interest in the health sciences for young people interested in careers in medicine and to mentor and prepare them to successfully compete at the highest levels of college and post-graduate studies. Participating schools include Lake Worth Community High, Palm Beach Gardens Community High, Roosevelt Community Middle and Lake Worth Middle. The mission of this program is to increase opportunities in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences for students, especially under-represented and under-served minorities in South Florida. Advanced simulations and practical applications are required components of the curriculum in addition to field trips to FAU College of Medicine and FAU Simulation Center.

A student representing each of the sixteen medical academies competed with other university and medical resident students for the Palm Beach County Medical Society Services Heroes in Medicine Awards. Cy-Anne Small from Inlet Grove High School Medical Sciences Academy received the prestigious “Student Hero Award.”
Miguel L. Benavente, M.D., Medical Sciences Specialist and Administrator for the School District of Palm Beach County received the “Healthcare Educator Hero Award.”
Emphasizing cooperation with other disciplines (i.e. Biomedical and Medical, Agricultural and Environmental Research and Field Studies Academies), several high school culinary arts career academies have planned, planted, and utilized the benefits of growing a garden on campus. Accentuating the “freshness and taste factor,” nutritional content, and chemical free gardening, vegetables and greens have found their way into the menu planning and food preparation within the career academy restaurant concept. Field trips to sites such as the Squire’s Urban Herb Farm underscore the utilization of using fresh products in preparing foods.
Students in the Biomedical and Medical Sciences Academies are required to complete the HIPPA training prior to starting the clinical rotations. Students must follow confidentiality laws to protect all patients.
As part of the curriculum requirements for several career academies (Biomedical and Medical Sciences, Early Childhood Teacher Education, JROTC and Criminal Justice), students are eligible to be certified in CPR and First Aid – preparing students to prevent and respond to life-threatening emergencies.
After completing this training, all students in the Biomedical and Medical Sciences Academies receive a State of Florida Certification. The purpose is to provide students with an understanding of the intent of the blood borne pathogens regulation issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA); how disease transmissions occur; serious communicable diseases; precautions to prevent disease transmission; and what to do if an exposure occurs. In addition, specific information regarding HIV and AIDS is covered including transmission, prevention, health care, social and legal issues.
Flagler Bank, in partnership with the Medical Sciences Academies, started the scholarship program in May 2014 for Biomedical and Medical Sciences academy senior students planning on attending college and continuing their studies. The Flagler Bank Excellence in Medical Sciences Scholarship winners for the 2013-2014 school year were:
- default_titleBrian A. Torres (Park Vista High School Medical Sciences Academy)
- default_titleJanellyn E. Arias (John I. Leonard High School Medical Sciences Academy)
- default_titleDiane L. Garcia (Leadership Academy West Medical Sciences Academy)
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Yearly in November, students in the Medical Sciences Career Academies participate in the Day in the Life of a Nurse, collaborating with the Nursing Consortium of South Florida, along with local hospitals, nursing schools, colleges and universities in Palm Beach County. Students are introduced to nursing careers and the advancements within the profession including biomedical research. Activities include skills labs, simulations, presentations, and shadowing experiences.

Keiser University nursing students participated in the Pediatric Nursing Rotation at Lake Worth Middle School Biomedical Sciences Academy for the past five years since the inception of the academy. Both institutions work hand in hand to promote careers in health sciences while addressing the national nursing shortage, especially in South Florida.
A program that is designed to educate, train and promote careers in healthcare, the Everglades Area Health Education Center (a division of Nova Southeastern University School of Osteopathic Medicine) offers students the opportunity each summer to participate in the Health Careers Camp. This is available to students in the Medical Sciences Academies both in middle and high school.
- default_titleEric Kelly - Quantum Foundation
- default_titleRandy Scheid, M.P.H - Quantum Foundation
- default_titleKerry Jamieson – Quantum Foundation
- default_titleAlexander Fernandez, C.O.O. – Good Samaritan Medical Center
- default_titleTammy Schiverdecker – Good Samaritan Medical Center
- default_titleMario Jacomino, M.D., M.P.H. – Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine
- default_titleMark Goldstein – Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine
- default_titleRicardo Mejia, M.D. – Jupiter Dermatology & Hair Restoration
- default_titleMicki Kelly – Jupiter Dermatology & Hair Restoration
- default_titleLawrence Weinstein, M.D., F.A.C.C. – Cardiology Associates of South Florida
- default_titleOwen O’Neill – Clinics Can Help, Inc.
- default_titleKathryn Tedesco – Clinics Can Help, Inc.
- default_titleRosalyn Misdraji, O.D., R.N.
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The Education Foundation of Palm Beach County, Inc. in partnership with Choice & Career Options, along with the generous support of the Quantum Foundation awarded a $200,000 grant to support 16 Medical Sciences Academies at the high school level. Funds are being used to update technology and medical equipment in order to meet curriculum and industry standards. Students become certified and/or licensed healthcare providers prior to graduating from high school. Students completing the medical academy program are college and career ready, thus transitioning directly into the healthcare workforce.
Student Organizations within Career Education provides unique programs of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students.
Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is the only student organization with the family as its central focus. Functioning as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education curriculum, FCCLA addresses important personal, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. FCCLA provides opportunities for active student participation at the local, state and national levels.

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is the medical student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA provides opportunities for active student participation at the local, state, and national levels. Several Medical Academy students competed at the Florida State HOSA Student Leadership Conference in Orlando and brought home awards. They will continue to HOSA Nationals representing Palm Beach County.