At the end of the school year, employees were given an opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions about the Wellness Program and Wellness Rewards. The survey has been conducted annually since 2012 to gather feedback which can be converted into actionable intelligence to enhance ongoing efforts as it relates to health and wellness. With the chance to win an iPad or a cash prize, a “Needs and Interest Survey” was completed by 2,278 participants in the 2013-2014 school year.
Positive comments were mostly written in reference to the internal wellness initiatives, while the more negative commentary was directed towards the Wellness Rewards initiative. The neutral comments were largely constructive, which suggested that people care and believe that the program administrators will listen to their opinions and make the corresponding changes in the program. This data will continue to be used to enhance the wellness program to better assist personnel in improving their health and lead healthier lives. The results of the survey helped to evaluate progress and measure changes in the program as well as perceptions from year to year. The results of the Needs & Interest Survey will positively impact the District’s continued efforts to control healthcare costs through engaging and fun programs.

- default_titleAlmost every District location (275) was represented in the survey’s data.
- default_title94% of participants were covered under the School District health plan.
- default_title52% of respondents participated in a wellness program.
- default_title
65% of participants thought the Wellness Program was beneficial (Those who did not think it was beneficial dropped from 21% to 13%, indicating the positive progress with the programs).
- default_title55% of respondents thought the wellness information and activities were easily accessible.
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There was an increase in exercise hours among employees. For all health behaviors there was more of an awareness of what one should do in comparison to one’s actual status which shows employees are becoming more aware and engaged.
- default_titleThe areas of interest that those would likely participate in during the school year mirrored the wellness strategy.
- default_title72% of respondents took advantage of the Wellness Rewards discount and found it valuable.
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“Yes my life changed for the better with all these challenges, I lost 10 lbs., and I had great support from my peers and Wellness Champion. I loved every bit of it (because as a teacher we don't really have much time to take care of ourselves). There was a hidden message behind all these wellness challenges from the district; you cared about me, therefore I need to care about myself.”
“The Wellness Program impacted me in a sense of encouraging me to be more aware of my health and quality of life.”
“The savings from my paycheck has been a tremendous help and has been a way to make sure I get my check-up and personal health tests done.”
“Thanks for caring about everyone, to be healthy, that way we can work better!!”
“The program has helped me to realize I need to make changes to my personal decisions with eating, exercising and overall health. I think the staff is doing a great job.”
“So far this school year, I've lost 40 pounds and I know that the various Wellness activities that I participated in were a part of my success. The activities and camaraderie with the other participants at my school also helps to make each day a little more enjoyable Personally, I am happy to know that the School Board takes an interest in their employees and their health.”
“Personally, any chance to better your life is a positive one. Great job in keeping us healthy... Many thanks!”
“Knowledge is power so you are empowering us with healthy skills.”
“I think the competition for working out regularly and the Apple a Day has encouraged me to make healthier eating choices and to increase my frequency of exercises. I feel better.”
“I do believe that the District has taken the first step towards caring for its employees' wellbeing through the wellness program. The constant reminding and provision of information is vital for those of us, like me that need a constant and systematic push to take the right steps to live a healthier life.”
“Helped support my wish to care for my health in order to better serve the students and their families. I think taking care of oneself works best when the atmosphere is supportive, and when others are working with the same intention.”