The District’s Wellness Promotion Task Force collaborated with the Palm Beach County Food Bank to collect non-perishable food for hungry families in the community for a second year during the 2013-2014 school year. This collaborative effort is titled the “Soul Source Project.” Since The School District of Palm Beach County is so large, it is the perfect platform to raise awareness about local hunger and work toward making positive changes in the community. With the motto of “People Helping People” in mind, a significant amount of food was collected during the 2013-2014 school year.
The “Soul Source Project” held collection periods throughout the school year for individual school and district staff members to donate their non-perishable goods. “Soul Source Project” Green Bins were placed at each school site, and at the Fulton-Holland Educational Services Center. Staff members were able to drop their donations in these Green Bins to be compiled on the scheduled collection dates within the school year. The School Food Service Manager at each school location served as the conduit for bringing the collected non-perishable goods to the collection sites on specific dates. The non-perishable goods was then weighed by the Palm Beach County Food Bank, and donated to families in need.
During the 2013-2014 school year, the “Soul Source Project” collected a total of 3,694 pounds of food.

The valuable project will continue to encourage participation in this cause with hopes that its efforts will not only bring awareness to the issue of hunger, but also make a positive change toward hunger relief in Palm Beach County.