Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) - Our Generation, Our Voice
SWAT is a Florida Department of Health youth advocacy organization dedicated to empowering youth to mobilize and fight back against the tobacco industry’s marketing tactics directed towards them. Given the fact that 90% of adult smokers started before they were 18 years old, implementing programs and policies that help reduce tobacco use initiation among youth is critical. The Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County and The School District of Palm Beach County collaborate to ensure the local SWAT program is working effectively to achieve success.

SWAT members from Bak Middle School of the Arts and Royal Palm Beach Community High School helped Tobacco Free Florida Palm Beach County disseminate information on flavored tobacco at SunFest 2014. Over 7,500 attendees were educated on how flavored tobacco products are developed by the tobacco industry to gain underage tobacco users, and how the state of Florida is fighting back with local resolutions and product placement ordinances.
John I. Leonard High School SWAT coordinates the public beach cleanups at Ocean Ridge Beach and Park. For two hours on the first Saturday of each month, John I. Leonard High School SWAT hosts overs 100 community volunteers and collects trash along the coastline and the park. All tobacco products gathered during the cleanups are displayed at the school as a visual reminder of the environmental impact of tobacco use. Royal Palm Beach Community High School SWAT attends the Ocean Ridge cleanup on a quarterly basis. Boynton Beach Community High School partners with Keep Palm Beach Beautiful on the Boynton Beach cleanup efforts, Eagles Landing Middle School SWAT cleans up Boca Raton area parks and beaches, while Woodlands Middle School SWAT assists with a variety of cleanup efforts.
Palm Beach County SWAT participated in a campaign to recognize CVS/Caremark for their efforts to protect the public (especially youth) from exposure to tobacco products and advertising. As of October 1, 2014, CVS/Caremark will no longer sell or advertise tobacco products. SWAT youth and youth from community organizations photographed themselves holding “Thank you CVS” signs in many languages. These pictures were composed into a collage and placed on billboards along I-95 in Palm Beach County. SWAT youth are working on mailing the pictures to CVS as well.

Kick Butts Day is a national day of advocacy sponsored by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids that encourages youth to stand up and speak out against the marketing tactics of the tobacco industry that are aimed at our youth. SWAT youth gathered at Roger Dean Stadium for the 6th annual Kick Butts Day event on March 19, 2014 during the St. Louis Cardinals versus Minnesota Twins Spring Training game. Over 6,500 individuals were in attendance. Information on flavored tobacco products and youth marketing were distributed to fans.
During the summer of 2014, nine SWAT leaders attended the Palm Beach County SWAT Leadership Institute hosted by Tobacco Free Florida Palm Beach County. During this leadership training academy, youth learned about advocacy, leadership, and the difference between the two; how to develop a health campaign; tailoring messages to appropriate audiences; how to run a local SWAT club; and guerrilla marketing.
- default_titleBak Middle School of the Arts
- default_titleBoynton Beach Community High
- default_titleCarver Community Middle
- default_titleConniston Community Middle
- default_titleCrossroads Academy
- default_titleEagles Landing Middle
- default_titleInlet Grove High
- default_titleJohn I. Leonard High
- default_titleJupiter Community High
- default_titleL.C. Swain Middle
- default_titleLakeshore Middle
- default_titleLoggers Run Community Middle
- default_titleOkeeheelee Middle
- default_titlePark Vista Community High
- default_titleRiviera Beach Preparatory and Achievement Academy
- default_titleRoyal Palm Beach Community High School
- default_titleTradewinds Middle
- default_titleWoodlands Middle
- Show More
If you are interested in having the SWAT Program at your middle or high school, please contact Janiece Davis via email at Janiece.Davis@FLHealth.gov
The department is proud to support a healthier environment for students, employees, and visitors. The School District of Palm Beach County implemented a comprehensive Tobacco Free Environment Policy (7.19). This policy prohibits ALL tobacco use by everyone, everywhere on School District property (facilities, grounds and vehicles), at all times, including school events after regular school hours. View this important policy through the District’s website at: http://www.schoolboardpolicies.com/p/7.19
The District is confident that this policy will provide a healthy, safe, learning and work environment for everyone - staff, students and community. Your cooperation and support in keeping The School District of Palm Beach County tobacco free is greatly appreciated.