The Technology Team developed and implemented a new ordering process for weekly market orders. This new process is called "Order By Group" This allows managers to key in on the appropriate food items to order for a particular menu plan. Trainings were given at the beginning-of-the-year managers' workshops. A power point presentation was developed and made available to assist managers with future ordering. An application was developed to quickly add new recipes and order groups to WebSmartt using data gathered from the Electronic Production Record.
We spent the first half of the school year meeting with several different software companies to evaluate the functionality of each brand. After many meetings it was determined that we would utilize the Websmartt modules for Nutrient Analysis and Production. The Nutrition Team collaborated with the Technology Team to input the items and recipes into WebSmartt. The Technology Team worked with the software vendor to create a production record and temperature log. Both teams scheduled new production record training for managers. This training started with the summer managers and will continue at the start of the 2014-2015 school year.