The 2013-2014 school year marked the second year of implementing the newly required Nutrition Standards for the National School Lunch Program. We began the school year by holding an All Employee Training on Friday, August 16, 2013. Administrators met throughout the summer to develop a detailed script that included information on offer vs serve, cashier training, recipe updates, fruit & vegetable requirements by grade level and safety & sanitation ensuring a consistent message was delivered to all eight areas.
In addition to the Nutrition Standards for the National School Lunch Program, the USDA announced the release of Smart Snacks in School guidelines. These guidelines aimed to establish nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold in schools outside of the reimbursable meal program. The administrative team met numerous times to review the new legislation and submitted comments to the USDA on the implications of the new rule. To prepare for the July 1, 2014 implementation, action plans were developed to include:
Surveys to gather feedback from high and middles school managers
Analysis of all food and beverage items to ensure compliance
Development of detailed presentations for SFS managers and leadership
Inclusion of language specific to the Smart Snacks in School guidelines in the district's beverage and vending contract
Inclusion of Smart Snack information on our website