- default_title Research the possibility of utilizing technology to increase communication opportunities with parents - 1 of 1 year
- default_titleRefine communication methods to all department employees - 2 of 3 years
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Communications is one of the key elements in order to work together as a team. Finding more efficient ways to communicate with each other opens doors to lead us to success. This year we developed a new School Food Service Manager's SharePoint site in order to better organize information to allow for easier access. Ideas for the site were originally discussed with School Food Service Managers at the end of last year in order to determine how our end users were currently utilizing the site and what they needed to make it more efficient. The site was launched in August 2013 and has been a great success. An employee site and a central office site are now under development. The central office site will most likely be launched in the summer of 2014.
Additionally, our central office Timetask Calendar has been redesigned to allow email reminders to be sent to staff when a task is approaching. Also, a Division of Support Operations Email Communications process was developed.
In order to improve any services to customers it is important to understand the customers’ needs. On May 28, 2014 we held a Manager's Advisory Board meeting with selected School Food Service Managers from all school levels and from each area of the county. The meeting platform was to hear positive and negative feedback regarding our program as a whole and what the leadership of the department could do better to support the School Food Service Managers and staff. The meeting provided very valuable information and administrators will be meeting during the summer to determine action items needed and the timeline for those items to be completed. The strategies will be communicated with School Food Service Managers at their Welcome Back In-Service in August 2014.
- default_titleInstead of sending letters to all households that were on temporary approval at the beginning of the schools year, emails were sent to 70% of the households eliminating printing and mailing costs
- default_titleParentLink emails were sent for temporary approval and verification to ensure that they were aware of the ending of benefits
- default_titleWorked with district's IT department to create an email address (wellness@palmbeachschools.org) for parents and the community to communicate and participate in the District's Wellness Promotion Task Force
- default_titlePresented Nurtislice opportunity and plans to TCC
- default_titleOrganized meetings to discuss the roll-out plan for Nutrislice to include the menu and recipe uploads and food photo shoots
- default_titleInvited a representative from Nutrislice to attend the October 18th Manager In-Service meeting to present the application to the managers
- default_titleIn December 2013, coordinated the launch of Nutrislice an online marketing tool to enhance the method in which information regarding our menus is provided to parents and stakeholders
- default_titleWe utilized an opportunity presented through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to implement Nutrislice
- default_titleSent out breakfast program call outs to parents using Parent Link at the beginning of the school year
- default_titleA Parent Link call went out to parents to introduce the new website and the accessibility of menus and nutritional information
- default_titleA Parent Link call went out on Wednesday January 29, 2014 to inform parents of the 100th Day Celebration and free treat given to all students who select school lunch
- default_titleContinued to utilize Nutrislice as an avenue to promote our program and receive feedback from our customers
- default_titleEach week the feedback is collected from Nutrislice and reviewed during the Field Specialist meeting
- default_titleSent Parent Link message out to all parents on June 10, 2014 to advertise the Summer Food Service Program
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