Market on-line meal applications to move towards a more efficient process - 2 of 2 years
Aggressively Marketing the Online Application Process
Due to the fact that Palm Beach County utilized an online meal application process as of the 2013-2014 school year we no longer were required to mail an application to each household. It remained important to continue to communicate our services to parents about the application process. We accomplished this communication by developing a marketing booklet and also sent out ParentLink phone calls. The marketing booklet was sent to all households of registered students. In addition to these efforts, a bulletin was developed for the principals to explain the new process.

A new marketing poster (left) and business cards (right) were developed for schools sites to have in the cafeteria and the front office.
These efforts resulted in 95% of our application being processed online.
These efforts resulted in 95% of our application being processed online.