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Upgrade hardware and software and perform training for cafeteria managers and central office to prepare for future technology opportunities - Ongoing (Priority A)

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In order to align with the district’s current security structure, we worked with the District’s IT department to transition WebSmartt from the manager’s desktop computer to virtual servers at each school. We started by selecting one school to pilot the virtual environment, and added 8 more schools the following week. Once the transition was determined successful, we transitioned the remaining schools by area completing the implementation by Spring Break.
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Revising the SFS Website

This year the Tech Team along with other staff members met to discuss revising the department’s website. A couple of members from the Tech Team have taken a Dreamweaver course as this is the platform that the District’s IT Departments uses to develop web pages. The website redesign will continue into the next year.

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Transitioning from Altiris

The Tech Team has been transitioning from Altiris software to LANDesk Software for remote access when providing support to our managers. The remote access module of LANDesk was rolled out in January 2013, the Tech Team received training by attending classes and webinars. We discovered challenges with LANDesk that were not present with Altiris. We met with the District’s IT staff members to discuss and resolve.

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Easily Access Pertinent Information ~ FAST

School Food Service upgraded to SharePoint 2010 which involved meeting with members of the District’s IT department and training of staff for changes in appearance and functionality. We held a SharePoint cleanup meeting to remove unneeded files from the site and reviewed the new template to pilot the upgrade. This strategy was expanded mid year after evaluating the usability of our current site. The Tech Team met with selected managers to get feedback on the managers SharePoint site and to make accessing procedures easier. Staff members from School Food Service met with members from the IT department to learn about our options to redesign the layout of Share Point. From that meeting the Tech Team’s Project Manager drafted a design using a wiki format; managers are now able to easily access pertinent information. The new site will be rolled out to managers at our August 2013 Welcome Back In-Service.

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NEW - Point of Sale Computers

In order to continue to remain up to date with current technology and to take advantage of new features available, we made plans to replace the Point of Sale computers that are used as registers throughout the district. The new computers will have sound to allow for use in training staff and battery backup for power outages. We worked with purchasing to develop the specifications and bid for the machines. We additionally piloted a few of the new models in schools and solicited feedback from the managers. The Tech Team developed a roll out schedule and in consideration of budgetary constraints, we purchased half the quantity ultimately needed. We will be assembling these point of sale computers over the summer and start the roll out in the Fall of the 2013-2014 school year.

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Working with Dual Monitors

In order to create additional efficiencies for our cafeteria managers, we looked at the possibility of installing dual monitors. We first met with Field Specialist to solicit ideas and suggestions; we conducted a pilot with one of the areas for the months of April and May 2013. The Tech Team conducted a survey with these managers to get their feedback of working with two monitors. Overwhelmingly they gave positive results and felt that this would make their work flow more efficient.

We will be purchasing the remaining quantity for the other managers and will distribute the plug and play monitor to the managers at the August 2013 Welcome Back In-Service.

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