Nutrition Standards: Beginning in August 2012, the District’s School Food Service (SFS) Department began the first year phase-in implementation of the national legislative changes outlined in the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA)...
Power Up With Breakfast: Although breakfast has always been available in Palm Beach County schools, it has not been easily accessible. For the past nine years...
Farm To School: For the past five years, the School Food Service (SFS) Department has procured and served district students nutritious, locally grown “Fresh from the Farm” fruits and vegetables at all schools...
Qualified Workforce To Include The Evaluation Process And Professional Development: The Professional Development and Technology Teams established a list in our SFS SharePoint site to log all training programs in which the office staff participated...
Award Winning Wellness Program: Local wellness policies are an important tool for parents, local educational agencies (LEAs) and school districts to promote student wellness, prevent and reduce childhood obesity...
Cafeteria Reengineering Program: In 2009 the School Food Service Department developed the High School Cafeteria Pilot Program (HSCPP) to reinvent the way students perceive and receive their school meals.