The School Food Service (SFS) Department’s mission is to provide appealing and nutritionally balanced meals to the students of Palm Beach County following all guidelines set forth in the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296) and the Final Rule: Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. It is the SFS Department’s responsibility to carefully formulate and develop detailed food specifications and requirements for all items contributing to the creation of student’s school meals.
School meals are designed with the contributions and support of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Program, the mainline food bid process and the supplemental bid management of the Milk and Dairy Products Bid, the Bread Bid, the 100% Fruit Juice Bid, the Produce Bid and the Frozen Treats Bid.
This year we communicated with awarded vendors regarding both product specifications and accountability procedures. We also visited a number of vendors to assess their manufacturing processes and facilities to include the following:
- default_titleFlowers Baking Company's plant in Miami, Florida on July 12, 2012
- default_titleFrozen Treats plant in Miami, Florida on January 9, 201
- default_titleRich's Ice Cream plant in West Palm Beach, Florida on April 17, 2013
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