Researching Alternative Communication Methods
Defining the Art of Two Cups and a String
We understand that communications is a vital part of making us successful. Changes in technology bring opportunities for improvement. During the 2012-2013 school year we held meetings to discuss the ongoing issue of getting information to the SFS managers on a routine basis. We were using a “Daily Update” email system to inform managers of important changes that many times needed to be sent out prior to meal service. We were learning that many managers were not taking the time to read the "Daily Update" in it's entirety. This led us to research alternative communication methods. Initially we looked to a web based newsletter type delivery system that would offer a more eye catching appeal in hopes to get their attention. After researching the options, we found that the online newsletter had limitations to staff access and the ability to insert graphics made it difficult and time consuming. We then decided to just change the manner in which we sent notification emails by completely eliminating the "Daily Updates" system. Click on the link to learn more of this communication method.

School Food Service has successfully utilized SharePoint for the past 7 years to become more efficient and more “green”. This year we developed an evaluation of product or service procedure which included the use of a SharePoint list along with workflows to communicate with vendors. The workflows also communicated to the managers automatically when the issue was resolved and provided information specific to the resolution. There were 829 evaluations managed during the 2012-2013 school year through this new process. Additionally, a Year End Checkout Site was created this year to aid in the organization of data and the communication of information. Each manager had their own electronic time task check sheet where they could manage their items needing completion. An automated workflow was created to notify the managers once their deliverables were verified and they could officially leave for the summer. This tool has afforded us more consistent communications as well as a reduction in paper costs for printing all the checkout documents. Workflows and additional views were also created to further enhance our equipment work order procedure. These additions have improved the usability and accuracy of the site.