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Further develop and implement the High School meal/dining reengineering concepts. - 4 of 5 years.

Reinventing School Meals

In 2009 the School Food Service Department developed the High School Cafeteria Pilot Program (HSCPP) to reinvent the way students perceive and receive their school meals. The institutional appearance was exchanged for a more welcoming food court design, taking into great consideration the overall physical facility, customer service, nutritious food offerings, dining experience, and requiring a minimum of three (35) minute lunch periods to support the anticipated participation. It was our belief that with these modifications, students would enter a more relaxing, inviting, social, safe and customer driven dining experience. Therefore, they would look forward to this time to nutritionally recharge for improved physical and mental well-being thus supporting the District’s ultimate goal of improving academic performance. Two videos were created to support the program. This was the genesis for the creation of "Kids First Films".

Program Marketing - Raising the Bar

This video covers; Program Creation, Food and Line Presentations, Production and Record Keeping, Proper Uniform Attire and Closing remarks by Atlantic Community High School Principal, Mr. Anthony Lockhart.

Café on the Hill Remixed

A 30 second trailer to show the student's a glimpse of what is to come with high energy music and eye catching visuals.

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